Friday, November 07, 2008

What Secret is Victoria Hiding?

Note To Self: When you buy something from Victoria’s Secret, first ensure you order want so you don’t have to go through the returns process. And then when you complete your profile ensure that the box is unchecked so you won’t receive any correspondence from them. So apparently I overlooked that 2nd step and what appears in my work email? None other than a VS promotion email! I don’t care if I get a free panty if I order 3 of them. I have never unsubscribed so fast in my life. Then I checked my stale mail the other day, and I see a VS catalog! I mean it wasn’t even the nice one with Marissa Miller in lingerie, but rather one that just sells their clothes and stuff, so Marissa might have very well been in there.

Remember before the VS catalogs were the rage? We had to resort to Sears and Mervyn's ads to get some cleavage shots haha. Man this generation is so spoiled...everything is just at their fingertips. Back then we had to rely on our wits and improvisation skills...but I digress.

So thanks you know who. Haha no worries I'm not tripping – happy early birthday!