Friday, September 05, 2008

Never on Schedule but Always on Time

Funny that two blogs I frequent both had time logs of their days today. So The Ruminator and the Tabo Lister very well might be kindred spirits.


Remember when I wrote my Top 10 Reasons to Go #2 at Work instead of Home? Probably not. But anyway, in regard to #4, the other day I deuced and there was like 10 sheets left on one roll and the other one was out! What to do?! I had to ration and finish wiping with toilet seat covers no joke. I shoulda just used the newspaper I was reading in retrospect.


R. Kelly drinking the Haterade! You can't play Ne-Yo like that. R. Kelly Ordered To Pay For Kicking Ne-Yo Off Tour. Damn I've been playing Miss Independent non-stop though...she got her owwwwn thing...


Ne-Yo and Musiq Soulchild releasing the same day?? Wonder if they're on some 50/Kanye type beef. Anyway, September 16th guys, so mark your calendars.


Monta had to be riding a motorcycle, or he very well could've been ghost-riding the whip down in Mississippi. Apparently that's a super rare injury that you see playing hoops. How you gon jeopardize $66 million?? Don't they learn from Jay Williams?


Oh yeah I never wrote about Estelle, and apparently she has sung more than "American Boy." This is actually her 2nd album! I haven't been to a show to someone I knew so little about. But I just heard the girls got my a ticket so I'm like cool I'm there. It was crackin' though, she was a feminist but all the dudes in the audience were feeling her. Oh yeah I also thought that song she did with Kidz in the Hall was dope too.


Someone I know is preggo again! I can't divulge too much this time around, except they don't call me Tito Reeg for nothing haha.


Hmmmm wonder who the next person I know that's gon start a blog? I vouch for MC Jizz Cock aka Mos Jef. For a peak check the 3rd Floor page on the right. I still need to fix that to check out my old archives.


How come it always takes me like 4 days to unpack?


So I peeped the 90210 premiere the other day, and it was pretty entertaining, but its still not the original. Just like kicks, the retros appear like the OG, but it lacks the essence of it.


Goal this weekend: to watch Season 1 of The Wire. The set has been sitting in my media cabinet forever.


Damn I need to get Sen-Dog smog-checked this weekend. I haven't even drove him in awhile, so I hope it starts lol. Hmmm to sell or not to sell? If only I could trade it in for a laptop haha.


Okay people try to enjoy the weather this weekend! Gotta love Native American Summer. hahaha get it?